
British Government Advisor: Dementia Patients have a “Duty to Die”

Here’s a big sign that socialized healthcare is a bad, bad thing: a British government adviser is advocating suicide for dementia patients, which would lessen the burden on the healthcare system. Now a free person in America might look at this and say, which is more important: the patient, or the program?

Baroness Warnock says that these patients are “wasting people’s lives” (and she is called Britain’s leading moral philosoper). Where are the socialist medicine advocates on this issue? They would entrust government, who is the best in the business at ‘wasting people’s money,’ with the decision of who lives and who dies? I am not hearing any calls of lives being wasted here in the U.S.

If doctors have their Hippocratic oath of “First, do no harm,” the British healthcare system should adopt an oath for their patients: “First, don’t become a burden.”

Telegraph Article: Dementia sufferers have a “duty to die”

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