MilitaryNational SecurityPolitics

God Bless Our Troops!

IED attacks in northern Iraq are down from 6,000 in July of 2007 to 500 in July this year. In fact, 75% of IED attacks are discovered before they detonate. Now insurgents are placing fake roadside bombs just to keep up appearances.

The US military just wrapped up the least deadly month since the beginning of the 5 year war in Iraq. Only 13 US troops were killed, compared to 80 in July of 2007.

Al Qaeda in Iraq’s leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri left Iraq for Afghanistan in June along with 15 other senior leaders.

Foreign fighters entering Iraq are down to about 20 per month.

Just file that away and remember which politicians were telling us that the Surge wouldn’t work. They even told us that the Surge had failed, even before it was implemented. In light of these recent facts, Democrats still refuse to acknowledge the success of our troops in Iraq. They actually credit the Iranians of all things. When politicians are willing to credit the enemy that has been waging a proxy war against us (and killing hundreds of American troops in the process) and not our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and guardsmen, that is beyond sickening. Who’s side are our politicians on anyways?

It should be obvious now that the Democrat Party puts their power before the security of the United States. It’s a good thing for them that they work in concert with the media; otherwise the American people might realize what a bad bunch of bums these politicians are (and with Congress’ 9% approval rating, America must get the picture anyways).

Congress did their level best to lose this war. They are still working to pull defeat from the jaws of victory, just as they did in Vietnam. Without the dedication and sacrifice of the men and women of the United States military, al Qaeda would be pondering their next move and perhaps preparing their next “shock and awe” attack on the United States.

God Bless our troops!

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