
R.I.P. Impeachment

The House of Representatives voted yesterday to send President Bush’s Impeachment to committee by a vote of 251-166. It joins Vice President Cheney’s impeachment that has already been in committee for months.

This should be a slap in the face to Democrat voters. For years, there has been a steady stream of impeachment nonsense coming from power-starved politicians wanting to gain control of Congress. The voters should feel dirty and used, since impeachment has only been political grandstanding; a way to show the far left supporters that “at least we tried, but the Republicans have somehow foiled us again.”

Every liberal I know complains that it will never happen, because there aren’t enough votes for impeachment. Well, I would argue that if either Bush or Cheney have truly violated the Constitution, then let’s have it! I will make sure my Senators know that I don’t want any unconstitutional activity from the executive branch, regardless of party.

It seems obvious to me that this is only noise from the Democrats, who haven’t produced much of anything that looks good when re-election comes around. If Bush and Cheney are truly as evil as the left makes them out to be, why wait until a few months before the end of Bush’s second term before impeachment? Give me a break. If they have something impeachable, why wait? Either @#$% or get off the pot.

Politicians should really take a step back and think about how their actions look to the rest of the world, especially our enemies. Today’s Democrat party is often right in step with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Company. It is a toss-up to determine which is doing more damage to the country (I would argue our own politicians by far). If we are divided on this scale, we surely cannot stand together against those who are trying to destroy us. If Republicans fought FDR on this scale during World War II, I would argue that most likely we would have lost.

And if our politicians keep undermining our nation as a means to gain control and power, we will most likely lose against this threat.

One thought on “R.I.P. Impeachment

  • Hassan Nasrallah’s success in Hezbollah demonstrates the power of a Common Denominator theory of Enemy. His Hezbollah movement operates on the belief that with a common enemy – Israel – Lebanon can be saved. This plays into many different elements in the jihadi arsenal…however, perhaps we in America can learn a valuable lesson. There is nothing so uniting an idea as a common enemy.

    The United States has a history dripping with fighting against Tyranny. We fought against the Tyranny of the English Empire (you know…against imperialism). We fought against the Tyranny of Khaiser Wilhelm…we fought against the tyranny of Hitler, Mussolini, Hiro Hito (yeppers – all Imperialists…). So, what do the enemies of America have in common – they all support Tyranny. America needs a common enemy that transends party lines…that enemy is Jihad’s Tyranny…Jihad’s Imperialism…Jihad’s Slavery. That enemy is what united us following 9/11. So, what happened? Where did the enemy go? Did he disappear? No! It is stronger than ever, mutating away into multiple venues. So, why the internal divide?

    America has divided into a polarity never seen since the US Civil War. What was the issue there? Federalism! States did not want to be slaves to other states. Slavery! The Federalists sought to remain united and crush slavery (though the latter came later in the conflict). Now, what do we face? Slavery to a Judicial circus for the next five years. Remember, MMcCain’s Gang of 11/14 drove the wedge in RINO fashion into the Republican party over the issue of torture and waterboarding, bringing into the main, the issues of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, turning the media frenzy into a cause celeb. Now, we are facing the judicial assault on the same issue. Blood was in the water the moment Alberto Gonzales resigned, the sharks are circling, and one thing has become true – We have become enslaved to self-flagellating, self-effacing, self-hatred in the American Mainstream Media, the American Liberal educated Elite, and in our Western Allies in Europe…the “Blame America First” Crowd has oozed into the likes of the Ninth circuit court of appeals and now…into the Supreme Court. Add to that the uniting enemy aspect of a Two party system, built on friction rather than cohesion…and you have a state of anarchy ready to blow its lid, when the Race Hustlers and Terrorists are added to the mix.

    In situations like this, we must…as Americans, turn to the likes of John F. Kennedy (a Hero to the Right and the Left – a hero who was struck down, just like MLK and RFK). “We will Pay any cost…bear any burden”

    We must turn to the memoir and letters of the likes of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson…we must unite through our common Heroes…our untouchable heroes, that the media has attempted to tarnished without success. Sure, Washington and Jefferson owned slaves. Sure, Kennedy slept with Marilyn…but that stopped not one iota the brilliance of these men in the cause of Liberty. Our heroes are being struck down left and right…Barry Bonds, Lance Armstrong…everyone must be discounted. But in this day and age, when you can’t even restrict your comments to the weather when you have nothing good to say due to global warming invectives, it is time…to unite behind our common hatred of Slavery…behind our common heroic love of Liberty.

    A clock’s innerworkings
    if not properly aligned
    time the clock’s demise.

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