
Back Door Fairness Doctrine

In July of 2007, the House of Representatives voted against allowing the FCC to re-establish the Fairness Doctrine. The so-called Fairness Doctrine forces radio stations to cover both sides of an issue, which essentially shut out talk radio for decades. Would you want to listen to Rush Limbaugh argue both for and against abortion? I wouldn’t either.

Well, the victory for free speech was short-lived. Just as Congress can bypass the will of the people and the Constitution to accomplish their agenda, the FCC seems to have found a way to implement a back door version of the Fairness Doctrine.

If you want to keep your free speech, it would behoove you to visit Federal Communications Commission vs. Free Speech. Don’t let government take away your freedoms – take a stand!

One thought on “Back Door Fairness Doctrine

  • Not quite a year ago, I ran into a situation that still nags at me…the Macon, GA mayor C. Jack Ellis (who had recently converted to Islam while in office) declared solidarity with Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. I was abhored as were all Maconites. We all wanted a piece of Hakim Mansour Ellis…just a few minutes alone with him to instill some Georgia justice. However, what it revealed was something altogether different. As Fox News reporters were covering the story, Jonathon Serrie’s crew was chilling beneath the shade of their canopy, waiting to film. I said I had something to say…and they said “For or against Ellis?” I said “Against”. The producer and Serrie just shrugged and said, “We already have enough footage of those protesting Ellis…we are waiting to film those who support him.”

    This fair and balanced approach of reporting didn’t wash with me. I told them that they were missing the real story…that no one in Macon supported the Mayor’s decision to declare solidarity with a dictator. However, in search of fairness, in search of balance…truth was lost…objectivity was lost…and my faith in FOX was lost.

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