
Photos of Hezbollah operating in Nigeria

The following photos prove that the Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah, which U.S. Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff calls “the A-team of terrorists,” operates outside of Lebanon and is establishing outposts worldwide. These photos were posted today at World Defense Review.

Below you see the terrorist Hezbollah flags.  Posters are of Hassan Nasralleh (the leader of Hezbollah), the late Hamas chief Ahmed Yassin, and two Iranian Ayatollahs: Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (who began the Iranian Islamic Revolution), and Ayatollah Ali Khomeini (the current Ayatollah). The terrorist army receives $1 billion annually in financial support from Iran.

Not only does Nigeria have a Shiia majority, it also has a large Lebanese immigrant population.

Images are courtesy W. Thomas Smith, Jr., senior military analyst at World Defense Review

16 thoughts on “Photos of Hezbollah operating in Nigeria

  • Sahayowni

    It is true that Israel has strengthened its presence in Palestine. That is because it is the ancient land of the Jews, and Jews continued to have a presence there over all the centuries. Jews made many efforts to return to Palestine over centuries before “Zionism” as a term or “new” ideology, including 17th, 18th, 19th century and before. Prophet Muhammad recognized Bayt al-Maqdis or Palestine to be Jewish land given by God and directed Jews from Arabia to go there.

    Shia militia have masscared Palestinians in Iraq and forced them out from Iraq. In Iran Arabs have prohibitions on using their own language in Kuzistan and of course Iran will not give them independence. So how have Iranians and their allies in Iraq been friends of Palestinians or Arabs? Iran sends weapons to Hizbullah and Hamas, and local people in Palestine and Lebanon will suffer in conflict with Israel while the ayatollahs in Iran can laugh about it and they will not be hurt. Iran or many other countries could give all the Palestinian refugees places to live. But they enjoy to have them be refugees forever to fight forever. Meanwhile people who were refugees in other conflicts from many years ago have found places to live and noone talks about them as refugees forever.

    Israel withdrew from Lebanon but Hizbullah keeps up hostility with Israel and continues their army, because they like to continue their power in Lebanon even against the wishes of other people in Lebanon, and in violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty, and because their friends in the Iranian government like to have power in Lebanon and any other country against the sovereignty of that country. Basically their ideology is to take over the whole world.

  • The Truth, Justice

    It’s an Islamic activity in Nigeria.. flags and photos were carried in support and admiration to the Islamic self determination and resistance in Lebanon.

    Islamic revolution is propelled by Muslim’s thirst for Justice and backed and financed by their complete submission and reliance on God, The Most High. This also establishes the connection between Muslims all over the globe. Know that “orders” come from God, from the Prophet and the Rightly Guided Leaders of Islam. This is what the Islamic determination in Islamic Iran, in occupied Arabia, in occupied Palestine, in Lebanon, in Nigeria, in America, in Canada, etc cling to.

    The photos shown give a glimpse of something happening to those that do not know, the Islamic Movement’s determination to change the current situation of the people and the region for good. Nigeria has a history of a successful Islamic revolution of Shehu Uthman Ibn Fodio over two hundred years ago with a well established Islamic system of governance, education, science and culture. The remnant of that were lost to the terrorists and thieves, the colonialists, that came with brute force, enslaved our people, stole our human and natural resources, killed those that resisted and occupied the region for decades. What a shame on the colonialists! Islamic revival, a movement of self-determination for our freedom is in the heart and blood of all Muslims and freedom-seeking people of the region.

  • Pingback: Hezbollah Activity in Nigeria « Unto the Breach Newsdesk

  • zarrafe

    Your misunderstanding of Hezbollah begin with your translation of the banner and first picture. It is about Imam Hossein – third Imam of shiate – and has nothing to do with Hassan- the leader of this Org.
    Go deepr before judging about the others.
    A point about studing Islam and terrorism by Maczed: He is too young to discuss about such big issues of our time. If he want to study the root of terrorism, it begins by colonialism and Zionism, and has nothing to do with a religion of peace. Terrorism is a make of capitalism.

  • { ……..Below you see the terrorist Hezbollah flags. The message on the reviewing stand says “Peace to you Hassan” (Referring to the Hezbollah secretary-general Hassan Nasralleh)…….. }

    :)) mate you really need to know a bit about something and then start commenting about it ! first of all it’s (peace to Hussian ) not (Hasan) , then it doesn’t refer to leader of Hezbollah,Hasan Nasrollah , it refers to the third Shia islam Imam how lived more than a thousand years ago !!
    then thousand of people who live in Palestinian refugee camps in different countries,or Lebanese who remember the number of times their country was attacked by their democratic non-terrorist neighboring state ,Israel , may don’t call an organization who stands against Israel ,the terrorist army !

  • The message on the stand (In Arabic), doesn’t say “Peace to you Hassan”, but says “Peace to you HUSSAIN”, which refers to third shiite imam, imam Hussain, which is an inspiring character in shiite Islam because of his jihad against “cruel and inelligible” Yazid, as the ruler.

  • farhoud yourself know thah Hezbollah is not terorist at all…the real terorist is Isreal and USA…they kill childrins and womens of lebonan and palestine

  • The message on the stand does not refer to the leader of Hezbollah. It’s a Shiite religious motto.
    Hezbollah is not a sect worshipping the leadership.

  • Hezbollah is tool inhand of iran mollas(regim) which iranians hate mollas.
    they use corruption money from iranian people. which is Haram for them.

    iran regim isterorist and iranian pople are hostage.
    Sham on mollas and all their grubs .

  • Hi,
    You completely misunderstood the message on the reviewing stand. It says “Peace to you Hussein” (Referring to the 3rd Imam in “Shiea”, Imam Hussein, who has become “Shahid” in a bloody fight, 14 centuries ago, then he became a symbol of holly war for muslims in Islam history). It shows your knowledge about Islam and It’s history is not enough to justify in this issue.

  • hizbullaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

  • It’s “peace to Hossein” not “Hassan” and it refers to the 3rd imam of shia muslims.

  • you need to understand that every body have to be defend him self because no body will do that for you.Since Israelm and America did nothing wrong by killing women and children in Irag, Lebanon, Syria, Afganistan etc, then where Hisbullah went wrong.

  • Realy you completely misunderstood Hizbullah. I can tell you if can remove sentiment and placed your self in position of Muslems or Labanese citizen you may see it properly.

  • I need help publishing my book “Chatter & Shatter”…here is an excerpt…


    One aspect of Jihad’s nature is that of gravity. The effect of the Jihadi gravity is fluid movements. In Islam, the yearly cycle is determined by the movement of the moon around the Earth, not the Earth around the sun, hence the shorter Islamic year and the crescent moon as the symbol of Islam. Whatsmore, just as the moon causes the tidal shifts and currents in the Earth’s oceans, so too does Jihad cause the tidal shifts and rifts in the oceans of humanity. Wherever stability exists, Jihad adds a dynamic pull and acceleration – in a word – fluidity. Thus, in the history of the world, in the ebb and flow of war and peace, Jihad has acted as a second moon, driving the lost to crash in waves upon the beaches of the unrequite. It is in this manner that Jihad acts as a force or law of nature. The final question, in the wake of Jihad’s righteousness is: how high will the crest of blood rise before it breaks upon the skulls of reason…and rolls back…from that dystopia of tyranny…that place – of redefinition.


    I am 31 years old. I have studied Islam and Terror for two years. If you really want to help defeat Hezbollah, help me.

  • hi , i think what you say about hizbolah that he terroriste is wrong because if you really know what is hizbollah you will change your mind and if you really want to know the truth you have to see what Israel and USA how they kill the people and the children

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