
Support H.R. 1359

For society to function properly, it must live by laws. We citizens have laws we must follow, and our government has laws they must follow as well – the Constitution.

In March, Congressman John Shadegg from Arizona, along with 28 Republican cosponsors, introduced the Enumerated Powers Act (H.R. 1359). The Enumerated Powers Act states that Congress must cite the article, section, and clause of our Constitution that grants them the authority to pass any legislation. Mr. Shadegg has introduced this bill to every congress since the 104th in 1995. Each time, the House votes to send the bill to committee, where it dies.

Why does it repeatedly fail? Perhaps Congress wants to keep operating beyond the limited powers that the Constitution grants them. Our government has expanded well beyond its boundaries set by our founding fathers over 200 years ago. As long as the public is unaware of the breach, which costs American taxpayers big time, Congress will get a free pass. This bill would stem the tide of our bloated government.

Perhaps House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was serious when she declared that the 110th Congress would be the “most open and ethical Congress in history.” Based on the actions of the Democratic leadership however, that is not likely. We Americans must unite in our support of H.R. 1359. Without our help, the Enumerated Powers Act is sure to fail again. It is time that Congress started playing by the rules.

One thought on “Support H.R. 1359

  • C.Collins

    A law, or better yet an amendment, forcing Congress to justify its actions under the Constitution, which each & every member is sworn to uphold, is long ovberdue.
    This bill needs to be widely advertised to the american public.

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