
Separation of Mosque and State

The University of Michigan’s Dearborn campus is in the process of installing footbaths in two restrooms for its Muslim students. Dearborn has the nation’s highest concentrations of Muslims, who wash their feet before praying five times a day. University officials claim the footbaths are being installed for health and safety concerns, not for religious accommodation. Previously, students washed their feet in sinks, which posed sanitary concerns, and put the students at risk of falling while using the sinks.The Muslim Student’s Association is pushing nationwide for footbaths and prayer rooms. At least 17 universities have footbaths including Boston University, George Washington University, and Temple University. At least nine universities have Muslim-only prayer rooms including Stanford, Emery, and the University of Virginia. In the prayer room at George Mason University, non-Muslim students are asked to follow Muslim practices such as separating men and women and removing their shoes.

Accommodation is great, but what about when it comes at taxpayer expense? The footbaths will cost the university $25,000 (that’s some plumber) to install. If the Muslim Student’s Association were funding the project, I would not see a problem. However, the funds for the project come from Dearborn’s general fund, which is funded not only by tuition, but also state and federal taxes. That means our tax dollars are building religious facilities for Muslims. Does that sound constitutional to you?

Footbaths may be in a “gray area.” Just as campus chapels may be used by all denominations, anyone can wash in these fixtures. Looking at the big picture, though, where do we draw the line on accommodation of one particular religion? Children in San Diego’s Carver Elementary School had an hour class time devoted to Islamic prayer led by a teacher’s aide and a special recess for prayer time. Children in the Excelsior Elementary School in California participated in a class where they dressed as Muslims, chose Muslim names, memorized verses of the Koran, and played a “jihad” dice game.

A line must be drawn between religious tolerance and what is actually manifesting in our public places today. If we would not allow prayer during non-instructional periods of school for Christians, why then do we allow so much for Islam? If Muslims wish to come to the United States to be part of our great society, then we should welcome them with open arms. Perhaps they could practice their religion in a way that is more flexible to the society they live in. However, if they come here to establish a caliphate, then perhaps they should look elsewhere. Immigration is supposed to bring many different cultures to America and combines them together – the great “melting pot.” When a group comes to force its culture upon us, it is no longer immigration, it is invasion.

Chris Carter is the host of “Unto the Breach with Crushing Chris Carter.”

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