National Security

Where Are the Missing WMD?

During the eight years of the Iran-Iraq War, Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against more than one hundred thousand Iranian troops. Many more Iranian civilians fell victim to the attacks.

The evil dictator then used them against his own people. In the genocidal al-Anfal campaign, where around 200,000 Kurdish Iraqis were killed, chemical weapons were used on hundreds of Kurdish towns.

The most infamous attack was on the town of Halabjah, where 7,000 civilians died and 20,000 were wounded in the attack.

Intelligence estimates put Iraq’s WMD stockpiles at around 100 million tons. So where have these chemical weapons gone?

Russia is the main supplier of the WMD. Soviet and Iraqi defectors have told us of a plan called Operation Sarandar.

This goal of this plan was to sanitize the country of all evidence of Soviet involvement in  WMD. Not only would Sarandar keep their communist noses clean, it would also deny the West the propaganda victory of finding “the smoking gun.” Sound familiar?

Prior to the American invasion in 2003, Russian GRU and Spetsnaz forces began executing the cleanup operation. The operation utilized air, land, and sea assets to remove the weapons, primarily to Syria, but also to Lebanon.

Large amounts of hidden WMD have been found by our coalition forces. But our media refuses to acknowledge any information that is contrary to their “Bush lied” template. How about a big “high-five” from the Russians? Sadly, even the president’s own administration discounts this intelligence as “Israeli misinformation.”

We are right where the Soviets wanted us to be.

Chris Carter is the host of “Unto the Breach.”

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