
No-Nonsense Immigration

The immigration bill is coming off of life support. The bill’s supporters try to win support by calling those of us who oppose this half-witted legislation names like “yahoos” and “nativists.” This seems to be their only defense. They thought they could sneak the 800-page bill through the process under the radar of public scrutiny. Why do we need an 800-page bill? Why do we oppose this immigration bill? Are we bigoted? No, the American people can see what Congress is attempting to do to the country, and it is not good.

12-20 million immigrants are here illegally now. That means they have already broken the law to come here in the first place. This bill would send many millions more here in chain migration as families join their newly legalized relatives. What affect will this influx have on our society?

We have had this problem for this long, why do we suddenly have to act now? Congress already has immigration policy that they are not enforcing now. What tells us that they will enforce this piece of… legislation?

Get this – there is a 24-hour window in which the government must complete a background check on the immigrant. If the background check is not completed within 24 hours – automatic approval. The same government asks for ten to twelve weeks for legal American citizens to apply for a passport. Sometimes the approval can take longer, and vacations are ruined as our government could not complete the process in time. Keep in mind – we are listed in the phone book. Do we really believe this same government can pull it off?

Congress previously approved seven hundred miles of border fence, of which they have built only two – a set for the president to deliver a speech.

Here is what I support: secure our borders first – build the border fence. Put the number of Border Patrol and National Guardsmen that it will take to do the job. Make all illegal immigrants register at the local Post Office and issue them a tamper-proof picture ID. Then have immigration determine on a case-by-case basis the outcome of the immigrant. If they do not register or commit even one crime, deport them or put them in jail. If you are here to contribute to our society – we welcome you with open arms. If you come here to break our laws – prepare for the consequences. The immigrants are not eligible for entitlements. You came here on your own; it is not on us to pay your way. If companies hire illegal immigrants, levy heavy fines on them. If you don’t build it, they won’t come.

John Cornyn (R, Texas) proposed an amendment that bars terrorists, gang members, sex offenders, alien smugglers who use firearms, felony drunk drivers, and immigrants who have already been deported from legalization. The Cornyn amendment was voted down 51-46. Who is looking out for you and your family in Washington?

Legislators like Ted Kennedy have consistently been on the wrong side of this issue. No wonder why Congress currently has its lowest approval rating in history. The American people are not “yahoos.” They just want immigration policy that does something besides make the problem worse. The real yahoos are on Capitol Hill.

Chris Carter is the host of “Unto the Breach.”

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