
Did Speaker Pelosi “Drain the Swamp?”

As the Democrats swept back into power following the November elections, Speaker-Elect Nancy Pelosi pledged she would “drain the swamp” making the “most honest and open congress in history.”

In fact, Pelosi sponsored the House Leadership and Open Government Act which is intended to stop Congress from accepting gifts, trips, and jobs from lobbyists and corporations.

Our former Republican Speaker Dennis Hastert’s son Josh was a registered lobbyist for Google. What qualified Josh to hold the position, well besides dad being Speaker and all? Good question. Before becoming a lobbyist, Josh ran a record store and label in Illinois. The pierced-tongue prodigy said, “I realized that doing consulting and government relations on the Hill took up a lot less time and brought in a lot more money.”

Well done, Josh. Sounds like you have a bright future as an economist if this lobbying gig doesn’t pan out.

So, now that we have drained the swamp, what is the new standard from Speaker Pelosi, champion of ethics? Pelosi’s son Paul Jr. was hired by the shady market research company InfoUSA four weeks after mom became speaker. More on this company’s dealings with Washington later.

Now Paul makes $180,000 a year as the Vice President of Strategic Planning. Somehow Paul was able to fit in this new full-time job along with his full-time job as a loan officer at Countrywide, and as President of San Francisco’s Commission on the Environment.

When asked about the timing of his hiring, Paul said, “It’s interesting timing-wise. I don’t see it that way, but I could see why you’d ask the question… I guess you always wonder why somebody hires you, right?”

Sure Paul we all do.

It seems that the only thing Nancy Pelosi drained from the swamp… was Republicans.

Chris Carter is the host of “Unto the Breach.”

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