Real American Heroes

William F. Abernethy’s Bronze Star citation

The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 11046, 24 August 1962, takes pleasure in presenting the Bronze Star Medal with Combat “V” (posthumously) to Captain William Forman Abernethy, United States Army, for heroism in connection with military operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. Captain Abernethy distinguished himself by valorous actions on 21 July 1967, while serving as the Commander of an armored convoy proceeding down Highway 20. As the unit proceeded on its mission, it suddenly came under intense concentration of anti-stank, automatic, and semi-automatic weapons fire from a well concealed Viet Cong force. Reacting instantly, Captain Abernethy immediately deployed his men to both sides of the road and began evasive movements in a courageous attempt to ascertain the locations of the Viet Cong positions. Skillfully directing his driver through the accurate lethal barrage of enemy fire, Captain Abernethy delivered a devastating barrage of highly accurate .50 caliber machine gun fire upon the fanatical attackers. When it became apparent that additional firepower would be necessary to repel the aggressors, Captain Abernethy fearlessly ordered an artillery concentration extremely close to his own position in order to confuse and disperse the Viet Cong. During the ensuing action, Captain Abernethy alertly observed an Armored Cavalry Assault Vehicle that had received a direct hit and erupted in flames. Skillfully maneuvering his vehicle between the Viet Cong and the blazing vehicle in order to cover the occupants withdrawal, Captain Abernethy’s vehicle became the target of a devastating volley of anti-tank and automatic weapons fire. Refusing to forfeit his position, Captain Abernethy was mortally wounded by a burst of enemy fire. Captain Abernethy’s personal bravery and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States.

Born: November 17, 1938… Home of Record: Winter Haven. Fla… Graduate of The Citadel (Class of ’62)… Also earned the Silver Star… Interred: Lakeside Memorial Park in Winter Haven, Fla.

One thought on “William F. Abernethy’s Bronze Star citation

  • Anonymous

    So – Capt. Abernathy lost his life in what was well-described as a heroic action – and received a Bronze Star? His chain of command failed him.

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