Real American Heroes

Robert E. Jones’ Navy Cross citation

The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the NAVY CROSS to



for service as set forth in the following


The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Robert Earl Jones (328243), Private, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism and conspicuous devotion to duty while serving as a member of a Point Platoon of Company F, Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, FIRST Marine Division, during action against enemy Japanese forces at cape Gloucester, New Britain, on 30 December 1943. When the advance of his platoon was stopped by intense fire from an enemy pillbox, Private Jones, accompanied by another member of his squad, unhesitatingly rushed the pillbox and, with accurate fire and hand grenades, destroyed the machine gun and thirteen of the enemy. Despite the fact that seven of his squad were casualties, he continued moving forward under the withering hail of Japanese fire, killing at least five more of the hostile forces before he was severely wounded in the leg. Unable to move when the enemy counterattacked, Private Jones feigned death while a Japanese kicked him and took his canteen, continuing his ruse until the hostile troops were driven back across him when he quickly seized a discarded rifle and killed another of the enemy. Private Jones’ courageous initiative, indomitable fighting spirit and great personal valor in the face of grave peril were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Born: Orange, Calif…. Home of record: Lemon Grove, Calif.

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