
Navy Department Communique No. 197

NOVEMBER 21, 1942

South Pacific (all dates are east longitude)

  1. On November 18th:
    • (a) Although enemy patrols were active, Army and Marine Corps forces advanced the western flank of our positions on Guadalcanal Island to the westward of Point Cruz.
    • (b) Army Lockheed “Lightning” fighters shot down three “Zeros” in the Buin area in addition to those previously reported in Navy Department Communiqué No. 196.
  2. On November 19th:
    • (a) U. S. patrol activity on Guadalcanal resulted in the advance of our outpost line. About 35 Japanese were killed. U. S. forces suffered few casualties.
  3. On November 21st:
    • a) Eleven attack missions against enemy installations on Guadalcanal were carried out by our aircraft.
    • (b) Ground forces engaged in minor activities on Guadalcanal.
  4. A recent dispatch from Vice Admiral Halsey, whom the President nominated yesterday for temporary promotion to the grade of Admiral, has confirmed that the damage inflicted on the enemy, which was announced in Navy Department Communiqué No. 195 is in addition to that reported in Navy Department Communiqué No. 194.

Clarification on this point must await the receipt of a complete summary of the action from the commander of naval forces in that area.

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