
Navy Department Communique No. 196

NOVEMBER 20, 1942

South Pacific (all dates are east longitude)

  1. On November 18th:
    • (a) A group of Army “Flying Fortresses” attacked Japanese cargo vessels in the Buin area at the southeastern end of Bougainville Island in the Solomon group. Two hits were scored and 10 “Zero” fighters and 2 float biplanes were shot down.
    • (b) A group of Army “Marauders” also attacked the cargo vessels in this same area. Two “Zeros” were shot down.
  2. It is now estimated that about 1,500 Japanese troop reinforcements were landed near Tetere during the night of November 2-3 as announced in Navy Department Communiqué No. 180. About half of these enemy troops have since been killed and the remainder have been dispersed into the jungle.

Clarification on this point must await the receipt of a complete summary of the action from the commander of naval forces in that area.

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