
Navy Department Communique No. 195

NOVEMBER 19, 1942

South Pacific (all dates are east longitude)

  1. Reports just received from the South Pacific reveal that U. S. battleships took part in the action between U. S. surface forces and Japanese surface forces in the Guadalcanal area during the night of November 14-15.
  2. Rear Admiral W. A. Lee, Jr., U. S. N., who commanded a task force, which included battleships, has reported that his force engaged a Japanese surface force in the Guadalcanal area during the night of November 14-15 and inflicted the following damage on the enemy:
    • (a) One battleship (or heavy cruiser) sunk.
    • (b) Three large cruisers sunk.
    • (c) One destroyer sunk.
    • (d) One battleship damaged.
    • (e) One cruiser damaged.
    • (f) One destroyer damaged.
  3. It is possible that this report of damage may include some of the damage already reported in Navy Department Communiqué No. 194.

Clarification on this point must await the receipt of a complete summary of the action from the commander of naval forces in that area.

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