
Navy Department Communique No. 175

OCTOBER 31, 1942

South Pacific (All dates are east longitude).

  1. The U. S. aircraft carrier announced in Navy Department Communiqué‚ No. 169 as severely damaged subsequently sank. She was twice attacked by enemy bombers and torpedo planes on October 26th near the Santa Cruz Islands in the South Pacific. The first attack which occurred during the forenoon caused heavy damage and the carrier was taken in tow in an attempt to salvage her. During the afternoon, a second attack caused further damage below the water line and she began to list. Personnel were removed at this time and the carrier later sank.
  2. Reports to date indicate that there were few casualties. The next of kin of those lost will be notified by telegram immediately upon receipt of information.
  3. This carrier and the U. S. destroyer Porter were the only U. S. vessels lost in the above engagement.

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