
Navy Department Communique No. 15

DECEMBER 22, 1941

The Navy Department issued the following communiqué‚ on the naval situation as of noon (e. s. t.) today:

Atlantic Theater.
There are no new developments to report.

Eastern Pacific.
The S. S. Samoa was attacked by an unknown submarine off the coast of California during the night of December 20. The attack was made at close range, and consisted of gunfire followed by the discharge of a torpedo. All shots missed their mark. The torpedo exploded in the vicinity of the ship. There were no casualties or damage to the Samoa.

Central Pacific.
Thirty survivors of the S. S. Lahaina have landed at Kahului on the island of Maui. The Lahaina was shelled and sunk by an enemy submarine on December 11 while en route to San Francisco. Two of the crew are dead and two are missing.
There has been no enemy activity in the vicinity of Midway Island recently.

Far East.
There are no new developments to report.

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