Carl P. Gies’ Distinguished Service Cross citation
The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Carl P. Gies (0-407083), Second Lieutenant (Air Corps), U.S. Army Air Forces, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy while serving as Pilot of a P-40 Fighter Airplane in the 20th Pursuit Squadron, 24th Pursuit Group, FAR EAST Air Force, in action near Del Carmen Field, Pampanga, Philippine Islands, on 10 December 1941. While gaining altitude for a patrol of Clark Field, Lieutenant Gies, in company with one other pilot, received a radio report that Del Carmen Field was being strafed. Although he realized that he was greatly outnumbered, and with complete disregard of the great personal risk involved, this pilot dove through the overcast into the midst of more than twenty hostile craft and brought down one enemy airplane. Upon rejoining his companion airplane, they were immediately attacked by three enemy fighters. His furious attack sent one raider crashing through the smoke to Del Carmen Field and dispersed the two remaining enemy airplanes. His skill and determination further enabled Lieutenant Gies to fly his badly damaged plane back to Clark Field. His gallant actions and dedicated devotion to duty, without regard for his own life, were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army Air Forces.
Born: 13 May 1915 in Goldfield, Nev…. Landed at Normandy’s UTAH Beach… Also earned the Bronze and Silver Stars… Retired as a lieutenant colonel… Departed: 2 July 1964… Interred: Restlawn Memory Gardens in West Salem, Oregon